Threads Throughout the United Kingdom

2013-06-12 10.10.12
What fun I had finding yarn in the United Kingdom.

2013-06-12 10.10.16

I found most of it on my time on the Island of Iona. Two of the skeins I found in a little shop down in the village, one from England and one from Wales.  


The third yarn I got was raised right there on Iona. I even got to meet the sheep and the woman who raises the sheep and sells the yarn. It was spun at a manufacture across the isle, but besides that short trip, born, harvested and sold on the island of Iona.

2013-06-12 09.46.28My final UK yarn came to me on our very last evening in the country.  We were in Sheffield England with a group of incredibly kind and hospitable church groups.  One of the women saw me working on the project during our workshop with John Bell and asked me about it afterwards. I told her about how I was gathering yarn along my way. Later that evening she came back with some red and blue yarn from a project she’d been working on.


Red and blue for the UK colors of course.  I was touched and wove it right in.

2013-06-12 09.46.06Thanks to the people and sheep of the United Kingdom for adding their threads to my journey.


English and Scottish Pilgrim

Part of the Pilgrimage Summer 2013 Series 

In June my pilgrimage took me to Scotland and England with twelve fellow students from Earlham School of Religion and Bethany Theological Seminary and our professor Dr. Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm for a cross-cultural theology course.

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We spent a week with the Iona Community in the Iona Abbey on the West Coast of Scotland. While we were there we worshiped, worked, studied, and enjoyed fellowship with people from all over the world who were there as guests and staff. And we soaked up the incredible beauty of the landscape, ocean currents, rocky coasts, and rich green fields and hills.

2013-06-09 11.22.22

We then took a few days to explore Edinburgh and notice the paradox between old and new in culture and church.

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From there we moved to Sheffield England and spent four days working with Rev. Dean Peter Bradley at the Sheffield Cathedral and the Church of England Parishes in the area.

2013-06-18 08.24.10
We finished off our trip with lovely hosts from the Churches Together group in Marketharboro where we all took a workshop from John Bell.

John Bell and audience2 - 22.6.13The trip was overflowing with learning, exploring, laughing, and growing. I hope to post some snippets and snapshots from some of the writing I did while on the trip, and maybe some that is yet to emerge.